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Vaporizer Dangers – Are Vaporizers Safe?

Vaporizer Dangers – Are Vaporizers Safe? There are two major concerns associated with vaporizers and smoking. One is their safety when used as a substitute for cigarettes, and the second reason is the potential harm that may be caused by long-term inhalation of vaporized tobacco. You should address these issues before relying on an electronic…

What’s Vaping?

What’s Vaping? What is Vaping? It is just a term sometimes used to spell it out what most non-smokers think of as smoking, but is really just a modification of what is called smoking. An electronic cigarette is simply an electronic device which simulates smoking tobacco. It usually consists of a battery, a power power…

Vapor Cigarettes – The Health Benefits

Vapor Cigarettes – The Health Benefits An electronic vapor cigarette is simply an electric device which simulates the act of smoking tobacco. It usually consists of a battery, an atomizer, and a plastic tank or cartridge like container such as a bottle or carton. Instead of smoke, the user ingests vapor instead. Therefore, with an…

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